*thumbs up*
Maybe , you can talk to some of your brothers on and off this site.
Appreciate it... I do talk to other people about it (male and female) quite often. Its kind of bittersweet because cats like me are behind in the game because of the choice we made so we get ruled out alot because alot of women won't holla at an inexperienced dude for various reasons. I guess it makes sense in the long run, but we are definitely a few and far between in both genders and its gettin hard these days to find somebody else my age on my level. :?
Sound Check....doesn't It feel good to know that their's some brothas in HBCU thats "going against tha grain" wit they virginity...and I know what u mean about having women upset, I get that alot too lol.
i think it's good that you aren't letting anyone pressure you into anything that you don't want to do.
but dean, i think u just want some attention :roll: