I have some questions. Be Honest.
1.What is the most popular frat and sorority?
2.What frat seems to be popular with the ladies?
3. What sorority wins the most step shows?
4. Who has the crunkest strolls?
I'm not in school yet, but I will be attending Hampton U(tha Best HU) in the fall of 08' B
But from what I saw on youtube.
4.Alphas (That train is on point.)
Speaking from when I was on the yard, times may have changed since 97-00.
1.What is the most popular frat and sorority? Alphasand Deltas
2.What frat seems to be popular with the ladies? I'd call it a tie between the Alphas and the Kappas, we both had our following.
3. What sorority wins the most step shows? Deltas
4. Who has the crunkest strolls? Gotta be the Alphas and that holds true to this today! I wouldn't even include The Train as a stroll.It may sound biased but it is what it is!
Peep my youtube page for some stepshow clips....YouTube - BobbyShaw88's Channel
The Ques were off the yard for a couple years while I was there. Only a couple of them were around but they couldn't have any programs or intake. Then around my junior year, they had an intake to build their reputation back up.
Usually, I don't entertain plain foolery...but you're joking right? If you are interested in joining a BGLO, I hope that the questions you asked are not your primary reasons. BGLOs are so much more than who's the most popular, crunkest strolls...etc. What you probably should've asked is "How does XYZ contribute to the community or on campus, what is XYZ's purpose?" I suggest you do your research.
wow. Its funny how people just come in here and just assume ****. I never ever said I was joining any bglo. Not once. Living in Atlanta you always hear about which bglo goes the hardest and steps the best(of course after the hours and hours of community service they do). I just want to hear about Greek social life from other hbcus that aren't in Atlanta. Damn I didn't know it was a crime to be interested, officer.
wow. Its funny how people just come in here and just assume ****. I never ever said I was joining any bglo. Not once. Living in Atlanta you always hear about which bglo goes the hardest and steps the best(of course after the hours and hours of community service they do). I just want to hear about Greek social life from other hbcus that aren't in Atlanta. Damn I didn't know it was a crime to be interested, officer.
You are right. You asked about the social aspect of Greeks and there is nothing wrong with that. There is a huge "social" part of the equation of the Greek culture. Anyway, I couldn’t tell you exactly who is the most popular or has the best step shows because it varies from different campuses. I would say that the most popular would be Delta for sororities (because they have the largest membership worldwide) and a close tie between Alpha and Kappa for the most popular. The most appealing to ladies would be Kappa’s. The best step strolls would be Kappa and AKA because Kappa’s have a cool shimmy and AKA’s because they have a lot of signals/symbols and chants (mirrors, ivy leaf, etc.) Anyway, this is all my opinion.