Yo son, is the Chi that windy?
Always, but then it depends on what you mean
If you mean windy by the old and beaten
Spirits of those who lost hope,
Giving you the cold shoulder
Then yea it's windy
If you mean, Looking into the biting stare of toolie packing 1st graders,
Who knew their sets before their Pledge of Allegience
Then yea it's windy
If you mean your fingers slowly freezing
Not because it's 20 below,
But because you're in Holy city wearing
That blue not Gold
Then yea it's windy
If you mean walking home from school
Passing the same women on the track
Fighting over pimps, on the corner of Madison
Then yea it's windy
If you mean the local police, being replaced as neighborhood heroes
By pimps, drug dealers, rappers, atheletes, and any other negroe
Who did some foul ishh, just to make it "out of the hood"
Then yea it's windy
If you mean tears turning to ice before they reach the ground
Cuz you just lost your brother, Because some fools thought it better to dump into a Crowd instead of doing business one on one
All is one and one is all
Then yea it's windy
If you mean watching an entire block beat 2 men to death
When the driver had a stroke and hit a kid
But the same men so called protecting the youth are
The same one's who've beat and abondoned their seeds time and time again
Then yea it's windy
If you mean preachers dressing like pimps,
And pimps talking like preachers
Or young gyrls dressing far to old for they age
Trying to meet a man, to take care of their needs
Not realizing they don't need him for that,
Just the drive and dedication to do for themselves
Then yea it's windy
And if you mean going up 112 floors
On a clear night looking into 3 states
And wondering could you or would you live any place else
Then yea it's windy
But if you didn't want the answer I gave
Then the next time you meet a cool cat, or a Vice Lord brother,
From that southside of Chicago. Don't ask if it's windy
Ask them how's the weatherCode:
Yo I'm in Bama now but reading that poem put me right back to my home on southside of chi on the cold corner of 47th street. thanks for making me remember the good days and some bad.......!!!!!!!