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Flipside: What made u happy 2day? Posted on 10-12-2004

Well my day has been good so far. Class was good and i ran into an old friend from last year and it was like a breath of fresh air 2 see and talk 2 her. I'm single again but not that happy about that but it will work 4 now. I had 2 applepies from Mickey D's last night so that made me happy az hell. And now i'm about 2go eat.....
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Kinkee replied on 11-14-2004 05:58PM [Reply]
My family is so damn crazy. There's never a dull moment.
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Enigma2k8 replied on 11-17-2004 11:31AM [Reply]
I finally got an ID
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replied on 11-17-2004 11:34AM [Reply]
I passed my tennis skills test!
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Its_like_candie replied on 11-17-2004 12:19PM [Reply]
I woke up wit a smile on my face cause i had a good dream last nite!!
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Enigma2k8 replied on 11-18-2004 04:30PM [Reply]
I got a fresh cut......lookin so fresh so clean
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Perseverance replied on 11-18-2004 04:45PM [Reply]
I've just found out that my Tuesday's class is cancelled, and I don't have to do my TA for next week. My next Monday's class starts at 8:30 a.m., so I'll get to leave for the holidays early!
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DAloveGyrl replied on 11-18-2004 10:55PM [Reply]
My old friends from High school called me. I have not spoke to them since June so it was nice to see that they were thinking of me!
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MidWestGentleman from Detroit, MI replied on 11-18-2004 11:04PM [Reply]

well i received some money from my mom today so im not broke anymore.
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replied on 11-18-2004 11:14PM [Reply]
Getting into a deep conversation with one of my bestfriends that I haven't talked to in a while. That's the only happy thing about today...I'm at a point right now where i don't even know where my head's at..im headed for the negative realm...fa' no reason :? :roll:
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Enigma2k8 replied on 11-23-2004 01:09PM [Reply]
I'm back in LA..........and I'm lovin every second of it
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