im tired of these ft. lauderdale muhfuks :roll: at school throwin up "L's" like they're cute...sooo anywho, what city reps the hardest at yer school??
i would say Lauderdale, Jacksonville and Miami
rep hard at FAM
*doin the lauderdale drop* 8)
....adding ATL to that list
them ATL peeps get on my nerves too but it's not as deep!! Chi-town is pretty deep for outta state....and they always shout out Texas over here :roll: folks throwin up x's :roll: :roll:
I wish NY was deep i met a couple folks from Queens tho...
*doin the lauderdale drop* 8)
....adding ATL to that list
them ATL peeps get on my nerves too but it's not as deep!! Chi-town is pretty deep for outta state....and they always shout out Texas over here :roll: folks throwin up x's :roll: :roll:
I wish NY was deep i met a couple folks from Queens tho...
It didn't used to be like that for Texas but now that we have mainstream music(some of it is as old as hell), they want to shout us out. NY is deep but they are like TX, a lot of NY people are like Texas people, they are running things behind the scenes at the school.
I be reppin Texas by my got damn self sometimes
*doing the South Dallas Drop, Josephine Johnny, & southside all at the same time*
We got a huge **** Texas Pre-Alum Club!
We're also throwing a LaTEX(Lousiana-Texas) party soon; I'll be providing more info soon!
Let me know when LaTEX go down and I will happily get my **** up to Hampton for it. We tryed to have it here last year but Louisiana kept messing around and we end up gettin a bad date (same weekend as BCR)