...when people mess up your name??
Especially when u KNOW ya name ain't THAT hard to pronounce...
people mess up all kindz of namez in all kindz of wayz...
What are some ways u've heard your name mispronounced?
ok, my name is Jameya...pronounced "juh-MEE-yuh"
but i've heard people pronounce it...."juh-MAY-yuh"..."juh-MY-yuh"....nah, but what has taken the cake..."juh-MILL-uh"...and "juh-MILL-YUH"...there isn't ONE DAMN "L" in my name, so y do some folkz insist 2 put @ least one of them jointz in it?!?!?!
"juh-mee-yuh" seemz like such the obvious way of pronouncin' it - i just don't understand....
people have gotten a LOT better about pronouncin' it since i've been in college - students AND professors...but elementary school up 2 high school...GOODness, i heard some of EVERYthing...
i don't know if it'z 'cuz i've been thru name mispronunciation so much in my life and therefore try 2 make an effort 2 get people's names right...but most of the time, i spell and pronounce people's names correctly the 1st time...they're alwayz like ...but really, i think some people just think too hard about it, which iz what lead 'em 2 error
I expressed this is another post, but my name is pronouced Meh-gan not May-gan. People be like "man it don't matter" but that's just not the way my name is pronounced.
I expressed this is another post, but my name is pronouced Meh-gan not May-gan. People be like "man it don't matter" but that's just not the way my name is pronounced.
Norman..... :roll:
I was just outside today and this girl just decided she was gonna "remember Quincy because it's easier than Quenstin"
I hate that...I'm like how hard is it to say Gee-yah. I always write it out phonectically like when I have appointments and stuff...and they always call me:
:arrow: Jai
:arrow: Jay
:arrow: Jay-ah
:arrow: Jay-uh
:arrow: Tia
:arrow: One time I even got Gita/Gida...wtf?
yeah man...my name is dominic.emphasis on the "IC" at the end of my name.yet people still read it and manage to say dominique. im like cmon.theres clearly no que at the end of my name
My last name get mispronouced all the time.
Wike pronouced like MIKE.
I'm getting people that call me
White *my goodness...does that happen alot*
Whickle .... :?