The following is the list of all the programs Bush plans to eliminate for 2006. After reading this I really can't see how anyone who isn't wealthy and has a brain could even think to continue to support Bush :roll: It's long but I highlighted some important ones that particulary affect us and our future families. Being from DC this is particularly important because I know a lot of our parents work for the government and as yall can see he wants to cut quite a few of the governent departments.
Agriculture Department
AMS Biotechnology Program
Forest Service Economic Action Program
High Cost Energy Grants
NRCS Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations
Research and Extension Grant Earmarks and Low Priority Programs
Commerce Department
Advanced Technology Program
Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program
Public Telecommunications Facilities, Planning and Construction Program
Education Department
Comprehensive School Reform
Educational Technology State Grants
Even Start
(High School Program Terminations
Vocational Education State Grants
Vocational Education National Activities
Tech Prep State Grants
Upward Bound
Talent Search
Smaller Learning Communities
Perkins Loans: Capital Contributions and Loan Cancellations
Regional Education Laboratories
Safe and Drug Free Schools State Grants
(Small Elementary and Secondary Education Programs
Javits Gifted and Talented Education
National Writing Project
School Leadership
Dropout Prevention Program
Close Up Fellowships
Ready to Teach
Parental Information and Resource Centers
Alcohol Abuse Reduction
Foundations for Learning
Mental Health Integration in Schools
Community Technology Centers
Exchanges with Historic Whaling and Trading Partners
Foreign Language Assistance
Excellence in Economic Education
Arts in Education
Women's Educational Equity
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling
Civic Education
Star Schools
(Smaller Higher Education Programs
Higher Education Demos for Students w/Disabilities
Underground Railroad Program
Interest Subsidy Grants
(Small Job Training and Adult Education Programs
Occupational and Employment Information
Tech-prep Demonstration
Literacy Programs for Prisoners
State Grants for Incarcerated Youth
(Small Postsecondary Student Financial Assistance Programs
Byrd Scholarships
B.J. Stupak Olympic Scholarships
Thurgood Marshall Legal Opportunity
(Small Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Vocational Rehabilitation Recreational Programs
Vocational Rehab (VR) Migrant and Seasonal Workers
Projects with Industry
Supported Employment
Teacher Quality Enhancement Program
Energy Department
Hydropower Program
Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization
Nuclear Energy Research Initiative
**** and Gas Programs
Health and Human Services Department
ACF Community Service Programs
ACF Early Learning Opportunities Fund
CDC Congressional Earmarks
CDC Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
CDC Youth Media Campaign
Direct Service Worker Delivery Grants
HRSA Emergency Medical Services for Children
HRSA Health Facilities Construction Congressional Earmarks
HRSA Healthy Community Access Program
HRSA State Planning Grant Program
HRSA Trauma Care
HRSA Traumatic Brain Injury
HRSA Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
Real Choice Systems Change Grants
Housing and Urban Development Department
Interior Department
BLM Jobs-in-the-Woods Program
LWCF State Recreation Grants (NPS)
National Park Service Statutory Aid
Rural Fire Assistance (BLM, NPS, FWS, BIA)
Justice Department
Byrne Discretionary Grants
Byrne Justice Assistance Grants
COPS Hiring Grants
COPS Interoperable Communications Technology Grants
COPS Law Enforcement Technology Grants
Juvenile Accountability Block Grants
National Drug Intelligence Center
Other State/Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program Terminations
State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP)
Labor Department
Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Training Program
Reintegration of Youthful Offenders
Transportation Department
National Defense Tank Vessel Construction Program
Railroad Rehabilitation Infrastructure Financing Loan Program
Enviromental Protection Agency
Unrequested Projects
Water Quality Cooperative Agreements
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Hubble Space Telescope Robotic Servicing Mission
Other Agencies
National Veterans Business Development Corporation
Postal Service: Revenue Forgone Appropriation
SBA: Microloan Program
SBA: Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) Participating Securities Program
Another Bush thread bashing....*sigh*
Why does every single move Bush do some of u guys act like this is the 1st and only time in history this mess has happend? U think this was really the first year that programs have ever been cut??? If u think so I am going to need u to do a history lesson in government. Progam slashing happends every single day in each and every state that we live in :arrow:
I always considered a white person someone who came from European descent and a black person was someone who came from African descent. I'm not talking about grandfathers coming from over there, but great-great-great-.... grandfathers and such :?: Am I wrong?