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This Is Why I'ma Warrior Posted on 06-16-2005

Charlotte, NC
So much going on my mind It's so many things that i need to unwind There's many things i'd want to put behind But sometimes the past is just too unkind As I sit here and I look back at the things i did I realize I still have a lot of skeletons I need to rid I created a lot of enemies, and even did friends wrong But the hate and pain has made my character strong I can walk through the deepest pit of hell But I will always be around with a story to tell My future is shining bright, I can proudly yell Unlike I my past, I have no soul to sell So you wonder why I call myself a warrior? It's my strong spirit, something that has controlled my mind state This is what i have accepted, as it has became my fate I can't change my past, but i know that my present and future will forever be great
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SC_Shawty from Columbia, SC replied on 06-17-2005 10:22PM [Reply]

Dang #1, I didnt know you were a poet. Im feeling it, good job.
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AggieWarrior from Charlotte, NC replied on 06-18-2005 03:57AM [Reply]

Dang #1, I didnt know you were a poet. Im feeling it, good job.
thanks :grin: i had a book of poems that i wrote, i can't find it for the life of me though... but i can come up with some good stuff if i put my mind to it...
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