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Which would you Prefer? Posted on 08-17-2005
Liberty City, FL
Would you prefer to talk to/date a virgin or would you want to talk to someone who has went around the merry-go-round at least once?
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'manda replied on 08-18-2005 10:49PM [Reply]
i wouldn't want to date a man ****... well i wouldnt want to date one again. ok, id date him again, he was fine as hell. but at the same time, i don't want a guy who's awkward in key situations. however, i can see why a guy would want to date a virgin, and how that would help in key situations
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lili2007 from akron, OH replied on 03-08-2007 01:09PM [Reply]

i wouldn't want a virgn because they don't know what they are doing. so give me some on ethat is experienced.
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graytgurl replied on 03-21-2007 09:09PM [Reply]
Virgins r cool...Id prefer someone who went around the block because they already know whats out there and won't wonder about it later.
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EriJa replied on 03-22-2007 07:07PM [Reply]
Well I've never even dated a virgin. So...yeah, I would prefer someone that's been around the block, but I don't have anything against dating virgins (there are so freaky ones out there).
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shesauthentic replied on 05-19-2007 11:35PM [Reply]
like Musiq said "teach me".... idk if i'd pick one over the other just based on whether they were experienced or not, i mean if they aren't then ok, if they have been around once or twice i'm not one to hold that against them either. the way i see it, you have to teach/learn a thing or two with every person your with, it's just up to you whether you use that to your advantage or not.
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candicej1983 from New York, NY replied on 05-30-2007 08:03AM [Reply]
Why do you feel that way? Just curious
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Sister Tamara from Davenport, IA replied on 05-30-2007 04:01PM [Reply]

PRAISE THE LORD SAINT!!! DEAR SMC112 I wasn't commenting on your previous responce. Actually, I just read it. I was talking more in general. I'm not coming against anything that you have said. I, myself, am not a virgin from birth, but I am a born-again virgin. I am a new creature...old things have passed away and all things have become new. I haven't been touched by a man since I have gave the Lord my life and if it's the Lord's desire to give me a husband than he will be the only man that will touch me. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I do agree with what you were saying!!!
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