you know i've never seen a light skinned Black girl with long hair
it was always weave
akatude is the stereotypical aka
only i'm not sure if that's her hair
but anyways
now anyone who is into reading should read some old book
that actually documented aka's and their color struck inutations
they WERE actually color struck and if you were not light enough
you didn't get in
i thought that was interesting because a myth came out to be TRUE
of course it's different NOW but to KNOW that your org WAS discriminatory like that has to make u feel bad
poor aka's
WORDDDDDDDD ; i feel you, i feel you. cUz wen PPL bE tYp!n l!ke dyzz i be gett'N s0 irriTATed an sTuFF. DeN deY geT mADd And sTARt cUzz!n & u b Lyke...y0 chi// ****.. iTs jUZt a c0Nvo!
Word, right money or wen they be usin' unnecessary abreviations because idk i'll brb and g2g a lil l8er...
and acronyms that are longer than thier actual replacement... like ICSATSATA...
(i cant stand all these stupid **** text acronyms)
She's not lying..Doc was very picky when he chose Southern University's Dancing dolls.. Everybody in Baton Rouge knows that...and if you would see the Fall 08 line of the AKA's at southern you will see that they all look very similar.
I haven't seen the Fall 08 line, but several past lines have been multicolored.
Based on the data you have posted on this topic --
I thought that you might also enjoy
reading (and, perhaps, even sharing) the following information .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
Listed below are links to data on the Historical MYTH
of a Color-Based / ****-Role HIERARCHY — as well
as the Urban LEGEND of Paper-Bag, Blue-Vein and
Other Allegations of Features-Based Entry ‘TESTS’
(in regards to the antebellum-era, continental U.S.):
...THE FACTS are as follows: 1)It is often a surprise
for people to learn that, in reality,there is actually No Such Thing As a "Light Skinned Black"person.
2)Very few people seem to be aware of the
fact thatthe
term "Light Skinned Black"isreallynothing more
than a racist oxymoron createdby Racial
Supremacists in an effortto forciblydeny those Mixed-Race individuals, who are of a Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed (MGM-Mixed) lineage, the right tofully embrace and
to also received public support in choosing to acknowledge the truth regardingtheir full ancestral heritage and lineage.
3)The people who have been slapped with the
false label and oxymoronic misnomer of "Light
Skinned Black"personaresimply Mixed-Race individuals-- who are from
families that have been CONTINUALLYMixed-RaceTHROUGHOUTmultiple generations.
4)Seeing that every other Mixed-Race group
is allowed the dignity of receiving support in having itself referred to by the
term that it most prefers – the question becomes“Why should the situation be any different for those Mixed-Race individuals who are of an Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed (MGM-Mixed) lineage?”.
5)If an MGM-Mixed individual would like to
be referred to by the term ‘Mixed-Race’ (which is what they actually are) rather
than by that of “Light-Skinned Black“(a term, which, once again, has the racist-origin of being nothing more than an
oxymoronic-phrase that was both created and coined by Racial Supremacists in an
effort to try to deny these Mixed-Race people their right to and
support in publicly acknowledging and also embracing their
FULL-Lineage) there is no reason that they(like
every other group on the planet -- whether Mixed-Race or not)should
not be allowed the right to choose the term that society uses in referring to them (andto have their full-lineage acknowledgedwithin that
Based on the data you have posted on this topic --
I thought that you might also enjoy
reading (and, perhaps, even sharing) the following information .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .
Listed below are links to data on the Historical MYTH
of a Color-Based / ****-Role HIERARCHY — as well
as the Urban LEGEND of Paper-Bag, Blue-Vein and
Other Allegations of Features-Based Entry ‘TESTS’
(in regards to the antebellum-era, continental U.S.):
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Here
is a brief COMMENTARY on…the constant misapplication(tothepeople
who are of
part-Black/Mixed-Race Lineage) oftheracist ‘One-Drop Rule’**:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ...THE FACTS are as follows: 1)It is often a surprise
for people to learn that, in reality,there is actually No Such Thing As a "Light Skinned Black"person.
2)Very few people seem to be aware of the
fact thatthe
term "Light Skinned Black"isreallynothing more
than a racist oxymoron createdby Racial
Supremacists in an effortto forciblydeny those Mixed-Race individuals, who are of a Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed (MGM-Mixed) lineage, the right tofully embrace and
to also received public support in choosing to acknowledge the truth regardingtheir full ancestral heritage and lineage.
3)The people who have been slapped with the
false label and oxymoronic misnomer of "Light
Skinned Black"personaresimply Mixed-Race individuals-- who are from
families that have been CONTINUALLYMixed-RaceTHROUGHOUTmultiple generations.
4)Seeing that every other Mixed-Race group
is allowed the dignity of receiving support in having itself referred to by the
term that it most prefers – the question becomes“Why should the situation be any different for those Mixed-Race individuals who are of an Multi-Generational Multiracially-Mixed (MGM-Mixed) lineage?”.
5)If an MGM-Mixed individual would like to
be referred to by the term ‘Mixed-Race’ (which is what they actually are) rather
than by that of “Light-Skinned Black“(a term, which, once again, has the racist-origin of being nothing more than an
oxymoronic-phrase that was both created and coined by Racial Supremacists in an
effort to try to deny these Mixed-Race people their right to and
support in publicly acknowledging and also embracing their
FULL-Lineage) there is no reason that they(like
every other group on the planet -- whether Mixed-Race or not)should
not be allowed the right to choose the term that society uses in referring to them (andto have their full-lineage acknowledgedwithin that