when i transfered down to fam, caLI native., i was suprised at the fact that the girls don't dance... i mean,you don't have to grind on people but jus standing in the back? why come?..... i personally refuse to holla at girls in the club.. yellin in each others ears.....competin with 85,0000 other cats...i'd rather find a better place to get at females that i don't have to pay for. :???:
Wellll, here in atlanta when I get on the super crowded dance floor, I get knocked in the head by dudes throwing bows and DANCING WITH EACH OTHER. I do dance but sometimes I get sick of dudes running up on me and pulling me to them. If you dont know myeplease do not pull on me. Thats why I dont go to clubs anymore :-D
Wellll, here in atlanta when I get on the super crowded dance floor, I get knocked in the head by dudes throwing bows and DANCING WITH EACH OTHER. I do dance but sometimes I get sick of dudes running up on me and pulling me to them. If you dont know myeplease do not pull on me. Thats why I dont go to clubs anymore :-D
dats y i dont go to clubs now. Guys figure dat since ur at da club, dat u came there to dance. Alot of da times dats not da case. U could jus be chillin in da cuts drinkin yo drink. Then a guy steps 2 u wanna dance n u say no, n then they wanna get an attitude n start da name callin. I dont get it!
if i'm payin to get in something, best believe i'ma dance all 5-10 of them dollars worth! I don't like to see people posted on the floor either, please dance or go chill on the wall or a table or somethiing!!!
but i would rather party than club. clubs are just dudes' big excuses to hunch random females.i swear some of yall be tryna **** girls through their clothes or something, but don't really know how to dance, just grinding. we grown now, dance
Wellll, here in atlanta when I get on the super crowded dance floor, I get knocked in the head by dudes throwing bows and DANCING WITH EACH OTHER. I do dance but sometimes I get sick of dudes running up on me and pulling me to them. If you dont know myeplease do not pull on me. Thats why I dont go to clubs anymore :-D
you can't dance n e ways... :lol:
We gonna have a long chat later Mr.Wes, a long chat indeed.
If all you came to do is drink with ya girls, then that's cool. Just move ya **** off the dance floor. I mean, stop posting up in the middle, then get mad when dudes try to get at you.
Doubt that most girls can't see ya any way because its so dark in the club. And if I had a dollar for girls trying to holla inside of the and when you get outside they are hideous,ooogly I could fly all of us beautifulblack folks on this thread to Africa and back. But for the most part down here in Atlanta the girls are cool as long as you don't them **** on the dance. just a slight pull on the arm is all it takes, or whisper in her ear but loud enough so she can hear it over the music. And remember most females get in for free any way so if one doesn't wanna dance somebody across the crowded floor will!!!!!!
damn yall are really **** about the standing around in the club thang aint yall...
well heres another suggestion as to why females do that.... maybe they are sick of dancin with a bunch of chicks.... cause i know AT HOME not school, females dance more than the guys do. and guys will only talk to you if your on the dance floor
Yeah cause that Sh*t's annoyin, and a lotta times we won't believe a female who says she doesn't feel like dancin, especially if u just saw her dancin wit somebody or even by herself. It seems like many of them are just advertisin...we all kno the scene, a female hears "her song" and she is droppin it, shakin, all that Sh*t....but whatever dude that tries to come dance with her gets the shotgun treatment, and it's like damm wtf u just advertisin for?
i agree wit you on this...most times when im at the club wit me and my girls most times they all are the ones with the dance partners and im always left by myself to dance, and that's cool, im drinking not carin whats going on around me...but i know i do be gettin down dancin on the floor and some random dude comes up behind me and starts dancin...im cool wit that most times it all depends on the vibe..