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Meeting People in Church Posted on 02-09-2007

Rosedale, MD
We all know the cliche about finding a man/woman at church - how many of you have experienced it? If so, how did things work out? Was your relationship better than those that started in the secular world? Do people still bring the same issues to the table? Just curious...
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jpbray replied on 02-09-2007 06:24PM [Reply]
NEVER! Yea, I would be so skeptical of a church date. Second issue, the church mentality... If a brotha is real and I just happen to see him in Church, that's fine. But, if he's trying to holla in church I already think he's there for the wrong reasons... His game is shot. If he comes trying to sound holy, you know how church folks do, he's done. My take is the best bet is to go if you go, follow the rituals and if you see someone you want to get to know. Do it outside of service time. I'm just one tho', what's you guys take??
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YoungPhenom4TheFuture replied on 02-10-2007 09:59PM [Reply]
Bo0...meeting people in church is overrated. People tend to believe that you're getting a good catch when you get a church going man, or women but that's total bull. Half the people rollin up out the church are all types of hypocrites and everything else, annnnddd they smile all up in you face like they're godly when behind closed doors most of em are shadier than most. It's just not worth it.
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starsuga82 replied on 02-28-2007 03:05PM [Reply]
People are still people in all settings. Some people attend church for the wrong reason, while others attend to grow deeper in their relationship with God. If you don't know your idenity in God then right now isn't the best time to be looking for a mate. I'm assuming you have a relationship with God. Now keeping those things in mind, if you were in class there is a possibility of meeting someone great or meeting someone messed up. Just as you would in a college setting, be your self and be friends with person. Until get to know them better. God will direct the rest.
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Kismet_TNT replied on 03-07-2007 10:06PM [Reply]
Good questions. I never experiened it so I'm just lurking to see what others say.
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SuperFly replied on 03-12-2007 09:10PM [Reply]
Would I speak from anything else?
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Mountain of Molten Lust! replied on 03-14-2007 05:27PM [Reply]
SuperFly wrote:
Would I speak from anything else?
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SuperFly replied on 03-15-2007 01:00AM [Reply]
What the deuce?!
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Blutifully Human from Washington, DC replied on 03-17-2007 10:07AM [Reply]

Oh, and to answer the topic, i've never met anyone at church and ended up dating them. However, I did meet a gentleman who was just involved in ministry as I am (he's a drummer) and we attended church together a few times. Honestly, I didn't see my experience with him any more "holy" than any other guy i've dated in my past. Him going to church did not take away from his humanity (or his ISSUES lol). Was it convenient that we both had a common interest and could experience that together? Of course. Does that mean everything was gonna be all peachy? Of course not. Needless to say me and him aren't together. So if God has ordained someone to be your mate, whether you meet them in the church, in the grocery market, or dare I say...the club (lol)...if they are for you, then they are FOR YOU.
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SuperFly replied on 03-17-2007 05:56PM [Reply]
Blutifully Human wrote:
Geeeeze Larry...say it with me "woooosaaaah!" K...would you like me to pray for you now or later? lol
*Sigh* whenever you choose...
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