^^how long have u 2 been conversing?
i don't think u're in love...
infatuation, perhaps...but not love....
she might not care, but ya might shouldn't have put her on the spot...
did she know how u feel prior to u postin' this? i hope so...
anyway tho...damn, i don't even have any advice 2 give ya :?...someone else, help this brotha out, please....
If ur feelin her then u should def give it a try, u don't wan't to miss out on anything...but putting her on blast was a no no. Next time if ur feelin some1 keep it btwn u n her.
yeah kinda bad play shouting her out and all, but like I dont really think it's love, i mean love is a pretty big term and involves so much, I just think your "feeling" her...but yeah ya need to talk to her or something, cause I aint got nothing else to say about it