Great... I read the excerpt in the back of ...shoot forgot the first one that quick... but i'll be picking that one up during my next trip to the book store...
oh yeah..."Not a Day Goes By" :idea:
^^ I have to agree with Cafe
Two guys and a girl at the same time is a 3 some
:arrow: 3+ guys or 3+ Girls on a person = Train
:arrow: When they come in at different times (back to back)= Train
:arrow: All at the same time = ****
Q1. Yep.
Q2. HELL YEAH. I should be all the strip show he wants to see.
Q3. I would have a problem, and I would be juss a little weirded out, but I wouldn't be judgemental and leave him.
This is off-topic, but your sig is hot. What did you use to do that?
I was scrolling thru right and I thought I hadn't posted anything because my sig came back up and I was like...WHOA! Then I was like DUDE!
but anyways. Thanks sweetheart! I used digital camera and the old noggan and my trial version of PSP and a (Paint Shop Pro if yous didn't know) because my real version is at the crib in Greensboro.
Me my man and another man... Be mature self, be mature! Okay first I'm glad to hear that you had just read a book Ms. C, cause I was wondering did you need to talk, did something happen and you needed to vent? Well either way, we black females need to learn to please our men, then they won't keep going other places (ei white women or other men) looking for it you know? I'm not talkin nasty I mean the small stuff. If you got a good man, show him that you appreciate him, and he won't want to go elsewhere. To me that would say that I'm not enough to please him, and I would have a problem with that!