2005 Students on the Move
Historical Black Colleges & Universities
Spring Break Tour
Travel with us for an exciting, fun filled, 5 day — 4 night college tour to visit:
Clark Atlanta University, Hampton University, Howard University, Morehouse College, Norfolk State University, Spelman College and Virginia State University
March 28, 2005—April 1, 2005
Cost $400 per Person (Quad Occupancy)
(Payment plans available)
Included in our tour price is roundtrip transportation on a luxury charter bus, hotel accommodations and a t-shirt. An informational meeting will be held on January 19, 2005, 6:30 PM at the Martin Luther King Library, 1600 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio.
If you know of any interested High School students or student focused organizations that would benefit from this wonderful experience, please contact:
Afrika Alsup (614) 751-9996 or studentsonthemove@msn.com
People that can go should really try to. I went on one this summer and I learned alot. It will be something you will never forget...especially the Jrs.