What kind of hair cuts do you all have? How often do you get it cut? Is it easy to take care of? How many of you have highlights/lowlights/or some kind of color? Is it easy to take care of? Did the color ruin your hair?
I'm asking this because this Saturday I plan to get my hair trimmed and cut into layers. With me going away to school and all I'm wondering if I'll be able to keep it up by myself.
I've had my hair bleached before and it ruined it. So i got my hair cut frm the bleached ends and started over. But now I get my hair trimmed everytime I get a perm or when i go to a stylist
i dyed my hair red, i love it and it didnt mess up my hair. If you go to a beautician, they shouldnt mess up your hair. I'm going to school too and i worry about re dying my roots. I guess i'll have to find someone that can do it.