recently my friend told me sha has thought about stripping which surprised me cause i diden't think she would do something like that so i ask some more of my friends and most of them sais they would or haved so ladies how do you feel about this would you do or have and how do you feel about other women doing it
CJ--stop being so damn mean!!!
Stripping fits into many catergories!
I used to dance but I never did it nude.............I admit I did it to pay bills including my college education but the mintue I graduated I QUIT!!!!
You dont have to be a freak with it.......It is how you view yourself and I bascially was like the girl in the player's club ( the hot girl...cant think of her name---light skinn chick)
..if you're even in college, your spelling was FUUUUUUCKKKK UUUPPPP....
*smacks Chad on the back of the hand*
Newayz, is stripping necessary to make money in college? No. There are a plethora of jobs available to college students. It's a matter of wanting fast/easy money, and that's why most women strip.
In my honest opinion, stripping is never necessary. If you are really in need there are so many other options. My cousin tried to use that "I can't do anything else," line with me. BS. It's a shame when women are to embarrased to get a minium wage job at the local buger joint, but aren't ashamed to take off their clothes for money.
I would never go as far as to say stripping can be necessary, but if the money's good, you gotta do what you gotta do. Personally slaving 40 hours a week is not goin to make me or Duke Power smile, if I know I can work half of that and make 3 times as much. I wouldnt say its the best job, but if you're good at it and you payin bills, by all means. As long as its a means to an end. I even know mad dudes that dance, strip or what have you.
stripping has crossed my mind..I cant name but a few who haven't thought about stripping..not for money but just for fun..but those thoughts were when i was that im older i see how it can club was enough to cancel that thought
There aint nothing wrong with stripping if..
you want to do it cuz its not a need to strip there are other jobs but the pay iz on point
have the body dont be shakin with no bullet wounds n shyt
my girl Tenisha strip and its good damn money ****she got a navigator maad clothes and a house to show it she aint nothing but 21 too so its good money but eveyone has their own opinions about stuff its not illegal so if u thinking about doing it my Op iz do it if thats what you want but yeah playerz club do make you think but not all strippin facilities are run by low downz