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Q&A With 1Michael B. Johnson

Why do we love love, when love seems to hate us? - J Sullivan
"I don't love, love. I love the person with love (a level of emotion)."

Interviewed by Alison F 01/10/11

What is your favorite section or feature on

Interviewed by ELLenor MOSS 01/10/11

What is the best thing that has ever happen to you?

Interviewed by Lola Ogunde 01/10/11

When you take away all the degrees & titles, who are you? ....Are we a blessing to others in how we live & use our education?
"I am the same basic person I was before the degrees & titles, just a more confident and mature me. I hope I am a blessing to someone, so I've been told."

Interviewed by Lynne W 12/31/10

(interview me)
1Michael B. Johnson
Supervisor, BAE Systems

Location: Minneapolis, MN United States
Joined: Jan 15th, 2009
About   (request update)
1. My patience
2. The ability to motivate
3. Deal appropriately and swiftly with all circumstances and obstacles life hurls at me
My Interview Question
What are your top three goals in life?
Current Whereabouts:
Chastity Brown (Band/Drummer), CD Release (, Bike Riding, Reading, and Traveling, The Job.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
1. Stay tuned into God 2. Continue teaching percussion to kids 3. Continue playing in a band, make a CD (with a message) 4. Continue up the corporate ladder
Education   (request update)
Tuskegee University class of 1983
Undergrad Major: Electrical Engineering
Campus Organization:
Me Phi Me
Claim To Fame:
I'll let others speak to that.
Most Memorable Moment:
Jazz Band, Listening to "Smoke" (band) play, Traveling with St. Marks Baptist Church Choir, and Graduation!
N/A class of
Grad Major:
High School: Central H. S. in Minneapolis, MN class of 1980
Activities & Accomplishments:
Homecoming King, State Wrestler, Academic Athelete, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Football, and Track.
Best Memories:
Friends, Talking Mess, Voted Homecoming King, State Tournament Wrestler, Band, and Graduation!
I currently work with BAE Systems as Supervisor
I have 20 years of experience working in the Engineering industry.
My Groups
Marching Crimson Piper Band
Diversity Activists/Minority Recruiting Forum
Guestbook Comments
A very warm welcome to you. It is lovely to have you among us. May you have a blessed, constructive and prosperous day. Stay strong.
Tagged by Ralph White on 04/07/2022  
Thanks for adding me as a friend. Have a good week and God Bless.
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 01/12/2012  
Always good meeting a true musician. God Bless you with your music. Nothing like music.
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 08/31/2011  
I am commenting on the tag by Susan Amader dated 03/29/2011. This is a scam, if you respond; you kiss all your money in your account goodbye!
Tagged by Lola Ogunde on 04/21/2011  
I say Amen to that!
Tagged by Lola Ogunde on 04/21/2011  
Hello, please check out my blog posts on HBCU Connect; follow my motivational tweets at www.twitter/rprude and follow my direct blog at Have a marvelous day!
Tagged by Regina M. Prude on 04/11/2011  
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