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Q&A With Jason Buford

(interview me)
Jason Buford
Traffic guy and sidekick, WQOX 88.5

Location: Memphis, TN United States
Birthday: Apr 8th
Joined: Feb 4th, 2009
About   (request update)
Was born and raised mostly in Memphis,Tennessee.I found a love for music at an early age listening to everything from Earth,Wind,and Fire to Olivia Newton-John.As I got older I found myself storing information of obscure songs and pro athletes.I love music and sports,and that's what keeps me going.I love for music has turned into an obsession and now my obsession has turned into an addiction.My family was mainly made up of educators and positions of authority so I wasn't allowed to use slang.Everything I said had to be proper.Just imagine a 7 yr. old telling his teacher he has to "urinate" instead of I gotta go!Anyway I survived and I married of all English teacher.
My Interview Question
What is the hardest of these to do Love,trust,respect,or forgive?
Current Whereabouts:
Working in Vicksburg,Mississippi in the casino!
Life & Professional Aspirations:
I'd like to overtake radio stations and rebuild formats that the people want.I'm sick of the way media is today.It's like a Las Vegas hooker,just looking for it's next quick money maker.(I'm just speculating on that hooker thing) I'd like to create wealth for my family and others who have vision and a bit of a patient manner.Eventually I'd like to take the road Robert Johnson took.If not then I'll go to my second passion of sports in some kind of capacity.
http://No website,just email
Education   (request update)
LeMoyne-Owen College class of 1988
Undergrad Major: Communication
Claim To Fame:
Not real famous at LOC,but I did P.A. the college basketball games and as a P.R. move we started getting our scores called into the local stations(that was my job)
Most Memorable Moment:
I gave a collection of speeches in my class,but one I was particulary proud of was an interpretation of Bill Cosby explaining why his son must wear a condom..Got the A! Ha!
I only regret that I didn't finish at LOC,but I've gained many a lesson from life in the process.I need to talk to my people about us..for us.I've got lots of passion and at my age I don't tolerat a l class of
Grad Major:
High School: Central High School in Memphis, TN class of 1987
Activities & Accomplishments:
Not much on activities,but I did compete in Arts competitions consisting of TV News Broadcasting.This was my field of expertise at the time and did very well when I competed.Now news is a farce to me.
Best Memories:
My favorite high school moment was when I gave my Study Hall teacher a washcloth and a bar of soap for Christmas with a card that said"Use me please" on the inside.He stunk like fertilizer and I was the only one who stepped up and took charge.(That really happended ya'll)
I currently work with WQOX 88.5 as Traffic guy and sidekick
I have 2 years of experience working in the Broadcasting/Public Communications industry.
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Guestbook Comments
Hello, I hope that all is well with you. If you get a chance please visit please visit my profile where I hope I have given you some words of wisdom, to live by. While there I encourage you to view my website for some information on how to start a successful online business. This company even gives you a free vacation just for trying their program.
Tagged by Ralph White on 07/15/2020  
Guys I don't currently work at 88.5..that's the way the format is setup.I'm working for a casino right now.(Do get it twisted) :)
Tagged by Jason Buford on 08/11/2009  
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