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Q&A With Candace Powell Kinard

(interview me)
Candace Powell Kinard
Associate Director, Philadelphia Education Fund

Location: Philadelphia, PA United States
Birthday: Feb 16th
Joined: Mar 20th, 2009
About   (request update)
With over 20 years in higher education, Candace Powell Kinard has gained extensive experience in post secondary preparation. She is employed by a non-profit organization specializing in college preparation and school reform and serves as the Associate Director responsible for program coordination and management. She has provided direct service and guidance to middle and high school students and adults. Both her bachelor degree and her initial experiences in college admission counseling hail from Arcadia University (formerly Beaver College). There for 7 recruitment seasons, Ms. Powell-Kinard recruited, interviewed and evaluated applications for admission. She has been an active member and has presented at national and state conferences of the National Association For College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and the Pennsylvania Association for College Admission Counseling (PACAC). She has been a faculty member training new guidance counselors and college admission counselors in the PACAC Summer Institute and continues to contribute to the professional development of new pre-college program professionals. As a consultant, she has worked with organizations to help train staff and design approaches for better organizational communication. Ms. Powell Kinard is currently active on three advisory boards; Villanova University, Delaware County CAC, and the Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable, contributing to the efforts of broader college preparatory programs, committees and School Districts.
My Interview Question
What public pre-college preparation events are you sponsoring? Would you like to promote them for free?
Education   (request update)
Acadia Univ class of 1985
Undergrad Major: Business Administration
I currently work with Philadelphia Education Fund as Associate Director
I have 21 years of experience working in the Teaching / K-12 Education industry.
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