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Q&A With Ryan Rudd

(interview me)
Ryan Rudd
Location: Jackson, MS United States
Birthday: Jul 24th
Joined: Mar 21st, 2009
About   (request update)
The significance of me as a person, lies within my ability to recognize the pros/cons of a situation before I attempt to become apart of a situation. I'm a very hard working individual, simply because I feel that I have to be in order to achieve success. We live in a day and time, in which things get tougher as the days go by. That's why I feel that it is imperative to do my best and work very hard, so that I won't let my life fall to the way-side. I also place a high emphasis on self-respect, and on respect for others. I've always lived by the phrase "treat others how you want to be treated". I apply that statement to my everyday life, because I feel that everyone was created equal, which means that everyone should issue the same respect that they demand. Even though I desire success as an individual, I'm always willing to go the extra mile, just to make sure that the next individual is accounted for. That's what a true leader does, put others before themselves, so that he/she can accomplish their long-term goals.
My Interview Question
In your opinion, what qualities or characteristics does a person need to possess in order to be considered as a leader?
Current Whereabouts:
I'm currently a journalist for "The Panther", the officail newspaper for Prairie View A&M University..........
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Whenever I consider my aspirations or goals, I always have to catogorize them into two different catagories: short term and long term. My short term goals are to start my own tabloid, advance or maintain my 3.0 GPA, and recieve my degree from Prairie View A&M University in Mass Communications, while graduating in the top percentile of my class. My long term goals are to become a Millionare by age 25, and earn a living as a journalist at a major newspaper/magazine firm (ESPN, CNN, Fox Sports Network, BET,Houston Chronicle, Boston Globe, etc...
Education   (request update)
Prairie View A&M University class of 2012
Undergrad Major: Mass Communication
Claim To Fame:
Starting my Own Tabloid or Magazine: I want to create something bigger than myself as an individual, so that my generation can benefit from it as a whole
Most Memorable Moment:
Running for Freshman Class President at PVAMU: It helped me realize how creative I could be, and ultimatley put me in another state of mind, in which I felt as if my purpose in life was worth much more than I had imagined at that point in time
N/A............yet! class of
Grad Major:
High School: Callaway High School (C-WAY) in Jackson, MS class of 2008
Activities & Accomplishments:
Basketball, Football, Powerlifting, Cross Country,choir, student body......
Best Memories:
My entire Senior season as a member of the basketball team
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Guestbook Comments
Hello I am just stopping by your page
Tagged by Ms.Michael BellJunior on 01/18/2016  
Greeting from glory how are you to today: my name is miss glory. i saw your profile at am very lntreseted to have a Reletionship with you please i wil you to send me email to( ) so that able me to send you my picture and all about me.i wil be happy to hear from you soon.
Tagged by bay b on 04/19/2010  
thanks for the add
Tagged by Desiree Howard on 07/15/2009  
I want to say thanks man for being my first friend on the web site lol
Tagged by Donny King on 06/26/2009  
Yes.....this always works! lol......Everybody wants to feel like their special in some way........U'd b surprise how the little things in life add up.......
Tagged by Ryan Rudd on 06/18/2009  
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