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Q&A With Fernard Henry

What is one thing you would like to change in the world today?
"Me and you going out for lunch:) lmbo...To easy! Nice Pic Tonya!"

Interviewed by Tonya Minggia 12/09/11

What is your greatest fear?

Interviewed by Jessica Parker 04/17/11

If in a position would you hire your mother over a qualified prospect?

Interviewed by Darian Doss 04/13/11

if you could describe yourself in 3 words, what words would you use?
"Love Strong Caring"

Interviewed by Shala Goolsby 04/10/11

(interview me)
Fernard Henry
Leader, United States Army (Reserve)

Location: Winston Salem NC, NC United States
Birthday: May 4th
Joined: Mar 23rd, 2009
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
Capella University class of
Grad Major:
High School: Carver in Winston Salem , NC class of 1991
Activities & Accomplishments:
I ran track and played football, most valuable player awards and many perfect attendance awards.
Best Memories:
Fun times hanging out with friends and the team work we shared while playing sports.
I currently work with United States Army (Reserve) as Leader
I have 13 years of experience working in the Law Enforcement, and Security industry.
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It's my pleasure to have you join, us as a new or seasoned member. May you have an amazing, blessed and marvelous day
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/11/2024  
Hello! Technical Difficulties...
Tagged by Fernard Henry on 03/05/2012  
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