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Q&A With Ace Young

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Ace Young
Marketing Specialist, Constant Contact

Location: Atlanta, GA
Birthday: Nov 17th
Joined: Apr 28th, 2009
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
North Carolina A&T State University class of 2018
Undergrad Major: Economics
Claim To Fame:
Young Professional primed for the next step. Dedicated to my education and professional success!
Most Memorable Moment:
Having the opportunity to be independant and work with other young minority students.
High School: Thomasville High School in Thomasville, NC class of 2003
Activities & Accomplishments:
Student Council President, FBLA President, NC Scholar, NC Honors Graduate, 2nd Place Winner at FBLA State Conference in Business Law
Best Memories:
The entire High School experience was enjoyable and taught me many life lessons for success today.
Scholarship Essay: 2015-01-13 11:48:34
My decision to attend North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is due to the institutions great history and alumni graduates. This is an institution where movements such as Civil Rights where initiated and young black males courageously refused to be subjected to discrimination. February 1st, 2015 will commemorate 55 years since the "Greensboro Four" sat at the lunch counter of Woolworth's and demanded equal service. This brave choice these students made gives me the opportunity to walk into any establishment and receive the same service as any other human, white or black.

Having the opportunity to complete a Bachelor’s of Economics will provide me the necessary knowledge to reenter the workforce and succeed globally. My generation will be the decision makers of tomorrow. I've made a choice to commit and do whatever it takes to complete my post-secondary degree. It’s true; I have a chance to be a critical component in the development of future cultures and communities around the world. I understand fully the challenge presented and it humbles me. Aided with some much needed personal growth and planning, my confidence is renewed in my ability to utilize my natural gifts and become a graduate.

I have experienced false opportunities and exclusion as a black male, which is a directed catalyst that creates disparagement in minority communities. Looking at life with “no filter” has allowed me to mature and illuminated my desire to become a trailblazer for my community. Studying to be a qualified professional in the field of Economics will provide a true advantage in the workplace and make an impression on Business Executives globally. The mathematical and analytic skills learned will enhance my current skill-set and versatility of business disciplines.

With genuine jubilation, I am humbled to walk the path of iconic Aggie Alumni. In today's society, minorities have an obligation to our forefathers to continue the work they began. The "HBCU Experience" is an opportunity to combine history with the present in hopes of fulfilling my future goals personally and professionally.

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I currently work with Constant Contact as Marketing Specialist
I have 5 years of experience working in the Sales industry.
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