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Q&A With Deseria Walker

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Deseria Walker
Cashier, Old Navy

Joined: Jul 21st, 2009
About   (request update)
Born in Agana, Guam to a military female veteran who was also born in Agana, Guam and my deceased grandmother was a school teacher and that's what I want to do but go further and become a Superintendent of a school system
Current Whereabouts:
Getting my degree in English Education and looking for a part time cashie job to help pay for my expenses
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Open my own daycare/child learning center and have no child left behind because I am a black girl who rocks
Education   (request update)
Paine College class of 2012
Undergrad Major: English
Campus Organization:
Kappa Alpha Psi
Claim To Fame:
MAD - Making A Difference
Most Memorable Moment:
Graduating for Paine College and continuing my educational/career goals.
High School: Heritage in Conyers, GA class of 2008
Activities & Accomplishments:
America's Future Leaders 2007, The Round Table of Honor 2007-2008, High Honors for 2008, The National Society of High School Scholars, Varsity Cheerleader for Basketball and Football, STEP Team Membe
Best Memories:
Walking the graduation line with high honors and heading off to college to attend Paine College a HBC
I currently work with Old Navy as Cashier
I have 3 years of experience working in the Teaching / K-12 Education industry.
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Guestbook Comments
I need help getting scholarships and grants for Graduate School!
Tagged by Deseria Walker on 11/15/2011  
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