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Q&A With Marshae Rhymes

(interview me)
Marshae Rhymes
Location: Oakland, CA United States
Birthday: Jun 11th
Joined: Nov 11th, 2009
About   (request update)
My name is Marshae, and I the president of my Step and Dance team at my school at San Leandro High School. We have been doing it for three years. I am from Oakland CA, but I am trying to get out of Oakland, to come to the South. Also i am a great speaker, I enjoy talking to everyone, just for simple fact that everyone likes conversation.
My Interview Question
What is the best way to describe yourself?
Current Whereabouts:
I am into dancing, and communicating with others, also I like t help elders with anything that they need assistance with.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
My life aspirations are to become either a nurse(RN) and get my BS. or study psychology. They are both great majors. However, I am open to learn anything new once i go to college.
Education   (request update)
High School: San Leandro High School in San Leandro, CA class of 2010
Activities & Accomplishments:
I am a dancer, and I am in alot of clubs at my school. Some of my accomplishments are becoming a president of the dance team, and also joing so many clubs, and actually attending ALL of the meetings.
Best Memories:
My best high school memories would have to be my sophmore year, when i started to open up to everyone, and started to be talkative, and conversate with everyone. I did alot that year. I started doing my step and dance team that year, and i started to be recognizeed for my dancing, and my commnication skills. I was good for helping everybody. Everyone would come to me to tell me their problems, and i would just talk to them, My sophmore was my favorite year.
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