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Q&A With Carlos McElroy

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Carlos McElroy
Location: Macon, GA United States
Birthday: Jun 17th
Joined: Oct 12th, 2011
About   (request update)
The fact that I have a lot of people who really care a lot about me makes me feel speial. Although my family struggles finnacially they manage to keep a smile on my face. They have been doing that since June 17, 1994.
Current Whereabouts:
As of now I am trying to help make ends meet. I am trying to become employed while finishing my last year in high school. I am currently apart of four different organizations/clubs.F.B.L.A, Skills U.S.A., 4-H, and T.R.I.O.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Coming up my family and I lived through some tough times. We started out living in a very poor environmeant surrounded by thugs and drug dealers. As time assed we started finding ways to bring in more money into our home. I have 2 brothers. My farther is employed in Atlanta. When I graduate from high school my goal is to become a pharmascist and to become that I want to major in Chemistry.
Education   (request update)
High School: Westside High School in Macon, GA class of 2012
Activities & Accomplishments:
FBLA 4-H Skills U.S.A. French Club
Best Memories:
My favorite high school memories were in my junior and senior year. I went on a field trip to the fair with my Skills U.S.A. group at school.We walked around and joked all day long. Another great memory was my first high school prep rally.I was so scared and nervous because I nknew the freshmans were going to be called "freshmeat freshman" as soon as we walked in. That day made me very hyped, anxious, and exited about high school.
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