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Q&A With Desirae Richardson

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Desirae Richardson
Teacher, ABC Learnng Center

Location: Beltsville, MD United States
Birthday: Jun 29th
Joined: Nov 5th, 2011
About   (request update)
I do not claim a religion but I am a strong believer in God, I will fight and defend him any day. Although I do not fall under a specific denomination I do believe everyone is different and entitled to their own opinion and perception. I am a realist. What I want I strive to make it reality. I will be successful in my life and I refuse to let anyone come in the way of my determination. I am a very beautiful person inside and I feel that helping someone can provide one's own happiness in times of despair. I love children and I love learning new facts and techniques. I write poetry not necessarily for a benefit but as a way to relieve my stress. I am an excellent listener and very respectful to others dreams and beliefs. I support everyone regardless of their ambition. I feel as though starting small is the best way to get big, that way you can look back on life and see how far you've come. This is what makes me special
Education   (request update)
High School: High Point High School in Beltsville, MD class of 2011
Activities & Accomplishments:
Softball Manager, Basketball Manager, Moc Trial, Young Ladies of the Future Mentor, Toy Drive organizer, Honor Roll
Best Memories:
Winning 'Most Changed' in the class of 2011
I currently work with ABC Learnng Center as Teacher
I have 3 years of experience working in the Teaching / K-12 Education industry.
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