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Q&A With Amber Lee

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Amber Lee
Location: Indianapolis, IN United States
Birthday: Feb 2nd
Joined: Jan 21st, 2003
About   (request update)
I am a southern girl...most of my childhood was in the South...Dallas, Texas. My mom is my hero because she is so strong and taken care of us by herself and still kept the faith. I am a person that strives for excellence in everything but can be very silly and loves to laugh and have fun too.
My Interview Question
What would you say is your best and unique quality that you could bring to the relationship
Current Whereabouts:
Trying to move forward in my personal and professional life in a positive way. Trying to get into Graduate school and make long lasting relationships.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Life: to be the best person I can be and to love with all my heart without conditions. Professional: To one day become a psychologist and to make a difference with those I come in contact with
Education   (request update)
Oakwood College class of 2007
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Claim To Fame:
I think my most proud moment was when I went to New Orleans and presented my own research at a conference. I knew then that this was just the beginning.
Most Memorable Moment:
The Martin Luther King Day Fiasco...My 22nd birthday party, Walking down that aisle to receive my diploma!
High School: Indiana Academy in Cicero , IN class of 2003
Activities & Accomplishments:
Senior Class Secretary, Senate Officer, Girls Club President, Who's Who among High School Students, National Honors Society
Best Memories:
the time the bus ran out of gas in below freezing weather and alumni weekend
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