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Q&A With bianca ross

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bianca ross
PV2, U.S. Army

Location: Atlanta, GA United States
Birthday: Sep 15th
Joined: Sep 5th, 2012
About   (request update)
Hello. I am Bianca- Samone. Although life in general brings me contentment, specific hobbies

bring me joy and fulfillment. These would be the product of music bouncing against my eardrum, the sound of Spalding going through a net flying from the palm of my hand, adding another character to the cast of Individuals that I’ve met in my epic called life, exploring new places, entertaining and bringing a smile upon any human’s face from the most familiar to a stranger and last but certainly not least; the pattern of text that my creative mind creates on top of parallel blue lines.
Current Whereabouts:
Music; Writing; Entertaining
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Successful Music Artist and Writer
Education   (request update)
Clark Atlanta University class of 2016
Undergrad Major: Mass Media Arts
Claim To Fame:
Hello. I am Bianca- Samone. Although life in general brings me contentment, specific hobbies bring me joy and fulfillment. These would be the product of music bouncing against my eardrum, the sound of Spalding going through a net flying from the palm of my hand, adding another character to the cast of Individuals that I’ve met in my epic called life, exploring new places, entertaining and bringing a smile upon any human’s face from the most familiar to a stranger and last but certainly not least; the pattern of text that my creative mind creates on top of parallel blue lines.
Most Memorable Moment:
Sitting in financial aid for five straight hours, jumping up in joy when my name was finally called to only get a one word answer and that person head turn faster than whiplash
High School: Jones County High School in Gray, GA class of 2016
Activities & Accomplishments:
4 year Basketball Varsity starter 1st Place Creative Writing @ Gordon College Academic Bowl
Best Memories:
Scoring a double- double in the biggest rival game of the year
I currently work with U.S. Army as PV2
I have 11 years of experience working in the Broadcasting/Public Communications industry.
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Guestbook Comments
Thank you BIANCA for Visiting my profile The website presentation is not directly about paying off student loans. But Take notice of the 2nd testimonial (which is 2min. into the video) when the single mother talks about sharing this LightYear Wireless concept with her 2 daughters. IT was at that moment I decided to put together a simple spend sheet that any HBCU-CONNCTION student could use to take control of their student debt. Please simply reply by going to my profile website an under my picture entry your infro. I'm only asking that you let me get this FREE spend sheet into your hands. I like to hear your opinion about this concept for paying bac student loans. Have a blessed day.
Tagged by Gil Royster on 09/14/2012  
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