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Q&A With DeAndre Harris

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DeAndre Harris
Warehouse Packer, Amazon

Location: Chicago, IL United States
Birthday: Aug 19th
Joined: Sep 20th, 2012
About   (request update)
What makes me special is that I am a man of peace. I try to get a long with everyone and make sure that I avoid any barriers of negativity. I consider myself a revolutionary who is out to help everyone who has a cause.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently and previously been into learning and playing basketball. I have an extreme passion for both, seriously.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
My life and professional aspirations are to someday play in the NBA and change the world for the better. I plan to feed, supply, nurture etc... the poor, those in need, and animals. My main mission is to change the world for the better.
Education   (request update)
DePaul Univ class of 2015
Undergrad Major: Business Administration
Claim To Fame:
My claim to fame is that I am a child of God and I am his soldier.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable college moments was when I participated in a 5 on 5 intramural league and went to the championship.
High School: Chaparral High School in Las Vegas , NV class of 2007
Activities & Accomplishments:
Not many but to me the most important accomplishment I've made was that I graduated and made a number of good friends.
Best Memories:
Hanging out with friend, working, and dating.
I currently work with Amazon as Warehouse Packer
I have 21 years of experience working in the Sports and Recreation industry.
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