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Q&A With Uchechi Nwosu

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Uchechi Nwosu
Location: Houston, TX United States
Joined: Oct 1st, 2002
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
1. Texas Southern University Debate Team2.APhA(American Pharmaceutical Association)3. National Council of Negro Women4. Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Education   (request update)
Texas Southern University class of 2005
Undergrad Major: Biology
Claim To Fame:
My "Claim to Fame" during college is when I first joined the debate team.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable person in college is my debate coach, T.F. Freeman. He has a very strong legacy on our school campus. He has been our debate coach for over fifty years and has given Texas Southern University an outstanding reputation. In addition, he has taught a well known leader, Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Freeman has given me the upmost opportunity to join the debate team at school, altough I never had any experience. On our first trip to Indiana, in September 2002,we had several novice members. All memebers felt that we probably would'nt keep the legacy as international champions, but Dr. Freeman believed in us and wanted everyone to feel the experience of regardless of our reputation. Fourtunately, we did keep that reputation and were the first place winners of debate as well as all other IE events. Dr. Freeman has strong faith in everyone of his students.
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Divine Untiy1, Inc. is a 501 © (3) non profit corporation we are organizing a special event which we will premier our phenomenal new movie: “Rage to Righteousness 400 Years to Freedom” while showcasing our music soundtrack for our movi
Tagged by Kristin Clement on 11/25/2008  
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