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Q&A With Chaisten Moore

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Chaisten Moore
Location: Fort Worth, TX United States
Birthday: Aug 22nd
Joined: May 18th, 2013
About   (request update)
I, Chaisten Moore, was born in Los Angeles, CA on August 22,1995. When I was 7 years old I moved to Fort Worth, TX in 2002.That same year I discovered my passion for music. I grew up listening to creative artists like: 2pac, Biggie Smalls, A Tribe Called Quest, The Roots, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco,and etc. As a young child, I learned my talent from my father, Antoine Tobin, who is also an artist, writer and producer. In 2006, when I was 11 years old my father not only taught me how to rap , but he also taught me song structuring, engineering and musical production on FL Studio 6. At this time, I spent most of my time after school writing and recording songs to the music I produced. In my songs, I elaborates on how life is for a young teen who wants to be different from his peers, his love for his family, women, and expresses his opinions with respectful suggestions. I also do not use profanity within his lyrics, which makes me a stand out performer amongst other artist in my genre. My production style embraces new-age technology with an old school flair. Heavy drum patterns that embraces hints of jazz, salsa, R&B and Hip- Hop which demonstrates my versatility.Chaisten's production style embraces new-age technology with an old school flair. Heavy drum patterns that embraces hints of jazz, salsa, R&B and Hip- Hop which demonstrates his versatility. At 17 years old, I am constantly perfecting my craft. I am also open to collaborate with any artist or producer that is interested in working with me.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently in to Music, preferably Hip-Hop and R&B. I am also in to trying to make my community into a better place for the youth to become successful.
Education   (request update)
Huston-Tillotson University class of 2013
Undergrad Major: Music
High School: Chaisten Moore in Fort Worth, TX class of 2013
Activities & Accomplishments:
-Distinugished Gentleman -United Voices for Change -Choir -Speech/Debate -Cross Country
Best Memories:
Being voted "Most Talented" for Yearbook in 2013
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