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Q&A With Abdiel Bolden

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Abdiel Bolden
Cashier, Food Lion

Location: Mechanicsville, VA United States
Birthday: Jul 4th
Joined: Jun 6th, 2013
About   (request update)
Throughout my life I've been through dilemmas in which the average person my age hasn't.I grew up in a poor neighborhood where crime took it's toll on the people in it. I have a lot to be thankful for. I noticed it more and more as I got older while attending high school I struggled because we my family never could stay put in one location.The landlord would have enough with unpaid bills and finally kick us out leaving us to find a home within a few months,weeks, and sometimes even days.This continuous struggle started when I was six years old.My family had a house fire that changed my whole life. After the fire we lived in a motel for thirty days until my parents found a home. The red cross offered us a home in Creighton court,a project subdivision in Richmond, VA. We've gradually made our way back to living a normal life. I was the kid who always was teased in school because i didn't have the nicest pair of sneakers, but I learned to face adversity because I have big dreams of one day winning a Nobel peace prize. So many opportunities have passed me by simply because I could't afford them, but I won't let money get in the way. Money isn't everything to me.I enjoy life for the priceless things. For example, traveling. While being dragged through the school system I would always be the kid ok with becoming friends with other kids who were teased because of their ethnicity and so I became fascinated.I believe in hospitality.Because I believe in it so much, I've made friends who were once foreign exchanged students. I have one friend who lives in Madrid spain, another from india, and even iraq. I would love to be a tourist.
Current Whereabouts:
Enjoying the summer with my family at home. Becoming
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Writing a novel. Winning the Nobel piece prize.Being looked at as great leader giving hope to the next generation to come when it currently seems that the corrupt ways of the world are only getting worse.
Education   (request update)
Other College... class of 2016
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Most Memorable Moment:
Well I just finished my first semester of college and for the most part it was exciting.
High School: Lee Davis High School in Mechanicsville , VA class of 2012
Activities & Accomplishments:
Actually, I love participating in extracurricular activities since they help bring people together for one common goal. Below are most of my achievements throughout high school. - Henrico High-Jv/V
Best Memories:
Playing sports. I deeply believe in working hard for what ever you desire and it'll be granted.
I currently work with Food Lion as Cashier
I have 14 years of experience working in the Community, Social Services, and Nonprofit industry.
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