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Q&A With Taylor Redus

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Taylor Redus
Location: North Little Rock, AR United States
Birthday: Feb 6th
Joined: Jun 18th, 2013
About   (request update)
Iam currently a senior in high school. I'm a very well-rounded person. I know how to associate with different types of people and feel comfortable at the same time. My main area of focus is science so I plan to attend a college with a great science program that can help me reach my goals.
Current Whereabouts:
Science. By the end of my high school career I will have taken 8 science courses. This is my main area of focus which will hopefully lead to a great career in the medical field.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
In life, I plan on being successful. I will attend a college and receive my education. Then find a job that is fit for me and that I know I will be happy with. Maybe becoming a doctor or even a Medical Labratory Supervisor which is the main job that I've been looking at. However, as of now, I am at the starting line of my life so my main focus is to find a great college and accomplish more goals.
Education   (request update)
High School: Parkview Arts and Science Magnet High Schol in Little Rock, AR class of 2014
Activities & Accomplishments:
NJROTC Beta Club Ladies Club President's Eductation Award
Best Memories:
Lab classes and the field trips taken in ROTC.
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