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Q&A With Vanessa Bumpus

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Vanessa Bumpus
Location: Charleston, WV United States
Birthday: Dec 30th
Joined: Sep 12th, 2013
About   (request update)
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West Virginia State University class of 2015
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Claim To Fame:
I'm Vanessa Bumpus, a psychology major at West Virginia State University. I believe everyone loves a good story, especially me, I enjoy reading, writing and watching movies. I read and watch a variety of genres, that's why I became interested in psychology. In my stories (the books I read and the movies I watch) I strive to understand the character, I want to know what motivates the characters to make there decisions. I'm curious as to what life changing events may have brought the character to what ever point they may be in within there life. Once I get my bachelors degree I intend on getting my masters degree, but I may steer towards topics other then psychology when I try for my masters. As far as careers go I don't have any particular career goals in mind, but with a bachelors and a masters degree I am hoping I can find a career that allows me to explore the some ideas and motivation factors of others, whether it be some kind of collaborative work or just lending an ear.
High School: South Charleston High School in South Charleston , WV class of 2010
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