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Q&A With Tariq Muhammad

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Tariq Muhammad
Designer, Design Apprenticship Program

Location: Chicago, IL United States
Birthday: Mar 31st
Joined: Feb 16th, 2014
About   (request update)
As my high school life nears exhaustion, I have been in the process from going from being a boy to a young man to a man. I began studying the words and wisdom of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He is bringing out of me what the Creator has put in me. An abundance of light is entering my young mind and I am coming along just find, attaining stage after stage until I reach my eventual perfection due to the work of God. I have a very quiet and humble part of me, but behind that is a fire that is ready to explode, in complainants to the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I have received of myself, my God, my religion, and my adversary.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently in the student enrollment process to be an official member of the Nation of Islam, and FOI ( Fruit of Islam) and a follower or the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Education   (request update)
Tennessee State University class of 2014
Undergrad Major: Agriculture
Kenwood Academy class of
Grad Major:
High School: Kenwood Academy in Chicago, IL class of 2014
Activities & Accomplishments:
Brotherhood Organization, Male Initiative Project, Shoe Drive, Varsity Basketball, Muhammad's Economic Blueprint Donations, College Tours.
Best Memories:
I'm not sure yet
I currently work with Design Apprenticship Program as Designer
I have 0 years of experience working in the industry.
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Tagged by ELLenor MOSS on 09/06/2014  
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