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Q&A With Janee White

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Janee White
Care taker, Melliza Taipe

Location: Philadelphia , PA
Birthday: Mar 24th
Joined: Sep 2nd, 2014
About   (request update)
I am a young motivated black woman, who is fighting for her eduaction. Plenty of people say why don't you just go for a local school it's cheaper and way easier. Well I don't want easy I set a goal and Spelman is my goal and I won't stop until I get there.
Current Whereabouts:
Finding ways to pay for college. And care taking.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Helping other people has shown me that helping others builds character and makes me stronger. It even makes me happier and I feel accomplished, I’ve grown a lot by helping others. That’s why I want to go to Spelman and why I’ve picked psychology as my major, I want to help anyone I can.
Education   (request update)
Spelman College class of 2019
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Claim To Fame:
Most Memorable Moment:
High School: Charter high school for Architecture and Design in Philadelphia, PA class of 2014
Activities & Accomplishments:
National Honors Society member, National Honors Society Vice President senior year, Ladies First member, Modeling, and Fashion club
Best Memories:
My best high school memory is when a group of friends and I all were studying for this pre-calc test and we all vowed that we would not fail and we studied all week when we got distracted and decided to have random dance parties or pig out one of us was always like okay guys we got to get back to work. and none of us failed. We were so excited and had a celebration sleep over it was so fun.
I currently work with Melliza Taipe as Care taker
I have 2 years of experience working in the Community, Social Services, and Nonprofit industry.
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Guestbook Comments
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he or she has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/03/2015  
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