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Q&A With Rachel Mathurin

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Rachel Mathurin
Clerical Aid, University of the Virgin Islands

Location: Kissimmee, FL United States
Birthday: Mar 9th
Joined: Oct 27th, 2014
About   (request update)
I am a student of five colleges called the University of the Virgin Islands, Kaplan University, ITT Technical Institute Online, Colorado Technical University Online and Phoenix University Online. I had only five course left to complete my Bachelor's degree at the University of the Virgin Islands. I had about eight course left at Kaplan University for the Associate's Degree. I had been midway my associate's degree programs at ITT Technical Institute. and I have completed a quarter of my associates degree at Colorado Technical Institue.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently into scholarships and grants. I apply for scholarship and grants a lot. I have to fill out grant applications and mail it to the government. I have not won any grants or scholarships yet.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
I worked for one year at the University of the Virgin Islands.
Education   (request update)
University of Phoenix class of 2017
Undergrad Major: Accounting
Claim To Fame:
I really plan to get a good education to become a future experience professional that popularity is recorded as adept and perfect for bookkeeping and banking for the people of the banks and financial and insurance companies.
Most Memorable Moment:
Most memorable college moment is when I got a B in the first course taken at University of Phoenix in July 22, 2014. I was not getting good grades at my last college the ITT Technical Institute Online so this amazed me. I also was please when I took four course at t he university of the Virgin Islands where I had soon only five course left. Because I took these courses I had the opportunity to reduce the amount of time need to spend on the rest of the degree program at t his college. I had applied for a scholarship at University of Phoenix where I have to wait until 12 credits completes to forward money for a scholarship.
High School: Saint Croix Central High School in Kingshill, VI class of 2003
Activities & Accomplishments:
Vocational Industrial Clubs of America school academic contests Saint Croix Central High School Choir performances
Best Memories:
I won the VICA Skills Prepared Speech contest. I got the second place reward for singing karaoke.
I currently work with University of the Virgin Islands as Clerical Aid
I have 1 years of experience working in the Sales industry.
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