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Q&A With Porsche Harwell

(interview me)
Porsche Harwell
Cashier , Pizza Hut

Location: Charlotte, NC United States
Birthday: Dec 15th
Joined: Dec 30th, 2014
About   (request update)
My name is Porsche Harwell and I am from Charlotte, NC. What makes me special is my love for expressive art. Not everyone is an outstanding student and not everyone is below average, but everyone does have a voice. I admire people who use their words or artistic skills to express significant issues, whether they've re personal or social. What also makes me special is my love for individuality. Every student at every university is different. I applaud institutions that acknowledge that and help nourish it.
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently into music, art and the social issues today that are affecting our young Black youth.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
My life long goal is to ultimately be happy. We are taught to avoid cliches in writing but this is the ultimate truth. I want to be content with my position in life knowing I worked hard to get there. My professional goal is to be the creative art director for a music channel. Music channels such as MTV and VH1 have lost their true purpose. I vow to bring it back through the use of positive imagery and enticing platforms.
Education   (request update)
Howard University class of 2017
Undergrad Major: Advertising
Claim To Fame:
Getting my acceptance letter from Howard University.
High School: Mallard Creek High School in Charlotte , NC class of 2013
Activities & Accomplishments:
National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Head Cheerleading Captain, DECA.
Best Memories:
Winning my place to qualify for Nationals at the DECA North Carolina State Convention.
I currently work with Pizza Hut as Cashier
I have 0 years of experience working in the industry.
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Guestbook Comments
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Tagged by Ralph White on 12/30/2014  
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