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Q&A With Kaylah Joseph

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Kaylah Joseph
Office Assistant, Oakwood University

Location: Huntsville, AL
Birthday: Oct 11th
Joined: Jan 31st, 2015
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
Oakwood University class of 2017
Undergrad Major: Law
Claim To Fame:
My "Claim To Fame" would be my involvement in volunteer work and my resourcefulness. I am a go-getter. I believe that if I don't have something, then I don't want it badly enough; because if I wanted it badly enough, I'd find a way to get it. It is very hard for students to survive off of Federal Work Study or Institutional wages, especially when the individual can only work up to 17 hours a week. I am known on campus for being the girl who posts a weekly list of job opportunities within my community. Every week I dedicate at least two hours of my time to calling local businesses and searching job boards then compile them into a list and post them to various social media sites so that my peers can find jobs. So far, over 100 individuals have been placed in positions because of my postings. Additionally, I am known for my love for community service. Last summer I served in Maun, Botswana, Africa, and this summer I will be spending my summer interning in an NGO in Asia. I motivate others to do their best, am a helping hand to those in need, and am not a stranger to hard work.
Most Memorable Moment:
Becoming Director of Social Media for the Student Union for Clubs and Organizations, joining the Social Work Club and engaging in community service projects, spending the summer volunteering in Maun, Botswana, Africa at a day-orphanage for children affected by HIV/Aids, poverty, or abuse.
High School: Oakwood Academy in huntsville, AL class of 2013
Activities & Accomplishments:
Served as Class President, Yearbook Editor, President of Science Bio-Medical Club, Contributing Writer to The Huntsville Times (local newspaper), Cheerleader, Public Relations Officer for Student Gove
Best Memories:
My best high school memories would definitely be serving as a Group Leader at at Prayer Conference. For the past 15+ years, my school has been sending kids to Prayer Conference; however, no one from my school was ever a leader. I wanted to be the first leader from my school and I accomplished it. During this time, I was afforded the opportunity to lead a group of multicultural young adults in discussion about how their faith affects their life.
I currently work with Oakwood University as Office Assistant
I have 2 years of experience working in the Administrative and Support Services industry.
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