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Q&A With Taylor Jackson

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Taylor Jackson
Student Fundraiser, Spelman College

Location: Chatsworth, CA United States
Birthday: Mar 6th
Joined: Feb 21st, 2015
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
Spelman College class of 2016
Undergrad Major: Early Childhood Education
Claim To Fame:
I'm very low key and a very efficient student. I work hard to get excellent grades.
Most Memorable Moment:
During new student orientation of freshman year, there was a Spelman induction ceremony where each student had to stand up, speak their name and proclaim that you were one of the new Spelman sisters. It was such a powerful moment and truly felt a part of the Spelman community and sisterhood.
High School: Chatsworth Charter High school in Chatsworth, CA class of 2012
Activities & Accomplishments:
ASB Leadership student member all 4 years. Member of the booster club, PTA, and BSU.
Best Memories:
During my junior year, I was the head chair of the homecoming committee. Planning home coming was a great experience and it was such a success.
I currently work with Spelman College as Student Fundraiser
I have 1 years of experience working in the Other industry.
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Guestbook Comments
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he or she has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/03/2015  
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