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Q&A With Jamal King

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Jamal King
Server, Logan's road house

Location: Albany, GA United States
Birthday: Apr 17th
Joined: May 21st, 2015
About   (request update)
Nothing really makes me special over another human being we all have a past and we all are on a road/path that has obstacles and learning experiences I come from a single mother of five and I could talk about how we struggled to eat and was homeless at one point but I'm sure who ever is reading this now your eyes have seen that story before and your ears have heard it all. So I guess the only thing that makes me special is the facts that I am saved by the grace of God
Current Whereabouts:
Working to pay bills
Life & Professional Aspirations:
I want to work with kids start my own gym or kids center
Education   (request update)
Albany State University class of 2015
Undergrad Major: Recreation Management
Campus Organization:
Me Phi Me
Most Memorable Moment:
Transferring to albany state
High School: Miller grove high school in Lithonia , GA class of 2009
Activities & Accomplishments:
Football ,guide right program
Best Memories:
My best high school memorie would be graduating and seeing my single mother smile of triumph
I currently work with Logan's road house as Server
I have 0 years of experience working in the Restaurant and Food Service industry.
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