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Q&A With Deja Malachi

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Deja Malachi
Customer service representative, Pizza hut

Location: High Point, NC United States
Birthday: Jan 22nd
Joined: Aug 10th, 2017
About   (request update)
My name is Deja Malachi, I'm from High Point, NC. I am an incoming freshman at Winston-Salem State University. I am a justice studies student. I come from a single-parent home. My mom is paying for my sister and I college. Growing up my mom has always made ends meet for my other three siblings and I. Growing up we didn't need for anything. we always had food, shelter and decent clothes. With my college education, i want to make sure that I have good paying job that can support my family and that I am financially stable. when i was younger i wasn't able to have the newest shoes and the latest phone, so that's why I got a job. Having a job helped my mom and me out. I was able to get the things i wanted and help her with bills sometimes. Money is not everything in the world but it can make some situations less stressful and easier.
Current Whereabouts:
Band, Volunteering/ community service
Life & Professional Aspirations:
FBI agent Specialist is the ultimate goal but becoming an police officer is a goal too
Education   (request update)
High School: Southwest Guilford hgih in High Point, NC class of 2017
Activities & Accomplishments:
Marching band DECA Club Leadership club BCA( Black & cultural Awareness club) National Honors society National Technical Honor society Captain of Color Guard (2016-2017) Magna Cum laude
Best Memories:
Homecoming Spring break Graduation
I currently work with Pizza hut as Customer service representative
I have 0 years of experience working in the industry.
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