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Q&A With tamauya talford

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tamauya talford
Location: rock hill , SC United States
Birthday: Dec 15th
Joined: Jun 20th, 2018
About   (request update)
What makes me special is my dedication to not let where i am from distract me from accomplishing everything that i want and deserve. Everybody counted me out, everybody turned their backs on me, and everybody lost faith in me but with determination to be better and to do better, all things for me are possible. I never let rape and homelessness stop me at all, and for that I AM SPECIAL.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
My professional aspirations is to become a forensic scientist. I want to take this route because i was raped and they never found the man who did it. My pain drives me but also encourages me to not stop going after this degree so that as a forensic scientist, i can help those they way i wanted to be helped.
Education   (request update)
Johnson C. Smith University class of 2020
Undergrad Major: Biology
Claim To Fame:
My claim to fame is to be forensic scientist. I want to collect and analyze evidence at a crime scene to help break and solve a criminal case. It'll be my way to help and give back by helping solve cases.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable college moment would have to be joining the NAACP club. It opened me up to the history of African Americans and all of the contributions that were made. I learned so much that everybody fail to mention or swept under the rug and never give credit for. It was truly an honor to be apart of the NAACP club.
High School: Northwestern High School in rock hill, SC class of 2016
Activities & Accomplishments:
In high school, i participated in many different clubs; key club, prom committee, beta club, and the year book. As a high school student i also participated in athletics; basketball and track.
Best Memories:
My best high school moment would have been winning prom queen. Winning prom queen really showed me that my hard work and activeness throughout my high school years didn't go unnoticed.
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