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Q&A With Nyajay Momoh

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Nyajay Momoh
Location: Chantilly , VA United States
Birthday: Jul 2nd
Joined: Apr 2nd, 2020
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
High School: Freedom High School in Chantilly , VA class of 2020
Activities & Accomplishments:
I was an active member in BSA (Black Student Association) and served as the co-vice president.
Best Memories:
My best high school memories was our annual wellness days, which consisted of different activities you could do to reduce stress, dance, do yoga, and many other fun things!
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Guestbook Comments
Hello fellow member. First I would like to wish you a blessed day. Secondly, If you get a chance, visit my profile page where you will hopefully find some words of wisdom. While you are there, be sure to visit my website where you will be able to view a video concerning your health and your longevity. Let me warn you, some of it will make you angry. Personally, I became livid and was extremely upset when I first say it. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Tagged by Ralph White on 04/04/2020  
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