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Q&A With Lee Tobin

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Lee Tobin
Location: Blackville, SC United States
Birthday: Nov 27th
Joined: Sep 22nd, 2004
About   (request update)
My Interview Question
If I ask you for money, would you give me the money if my reason for asking was legit?
Current Whereabouts:
Orangeburg, SC
Education   (request update)
South Carolina State University class of 2011
Undergrad Major: Education
Claim To Fame:
Freshman Class President 2007-08; Sophomore Class President 2008-09; SCAMP Scholar
Most Memorable Moment:
Winning freshman class president and sophomore class president. Homecoming 2007.
High School: Blackville-Hilda High School in , class of 2007
Activities & Accomplishments:
Accomplished being big guy on campus.
Best Memories:
Being chosen to go to the Math Meet. Being inducted into the Senior Beta Club. Becoming Freshman Class President, Senior Beta Club Vice President & President of my school, and Junior Class Vice President. Winning the state championship in football.
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Guestbook Comments
Congratulations on your major.. I wish you all the best. I am an educator- we certainly need more Black men who can teach our youth (especially young boys), and to show them the way. as an eduator, you owe it to yourself to suceed
Tagged by Douglas Clarke on 02/22/2008  
Congratulations on your major.. I wish you all the best. I am an educator- we certainly need more Black men who can teach our youth (especially young boys), and to show them the way. as an eduator, you owe it to yourself to suceed
Tagged by Douglas Clarke on 02/22/2008  
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