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Q&A With Danielle Clark

(interview me)
Danielle Clark
Location: Maple Heights, OH United States
Birthday: Sep 11th
Joined: Mar 30th, 2005
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
I will graduate from high school this summer and will enter Spelman in the fall hoping to major in Pre-Med and minor in Business Administration.
Education   (request update)
Spelman College class of 2009
Undergrad Major: Economics
Most Memorable Moment:
College has been great so fat. i have have met some really intelligent girls!! i love my 240 hallway..LLC1...
High School: Maple Heights in , class of 2005
Activities & Accomplishments:
None I am not altheltic, but if it was dancing...
Best Memories:
I don't really know i guess getting accepted to Spelman and recieving the Dean's Scholarship
Neww Relationship Neww Relationship
I have just started a relationship and we have been together for 1 month, I know that is only a short time but I truly have feelings for this boy. Now I am leaving and he is staying at home. i am worr ...more
Posted by Danielle Clark on July 18th, 2005 • 185 Views
Unsupportive father Unsupportive father
Today me, my faather, and my mother all got into and= argument concerning the loans I will most likely have to take out for school. He acted as if he didn't care what we did when we asked how he felt ...more
Posted by Danielle Clark on July 18th, 2005 • 162 Views
Reppin yo city. Reppin yo city.
To all members. Where is everybody from? ...more
Posted by Danielle Clark on July 14th, 2005 • 192 Views
OHIO!!!! OHIO!!!!
Hey just showin som luv to all those who hail from the miwest. Iwill be journeying to ATL to attend Spelman this year. So hit me up if u will be in the AUC or surrounding area. ...more
Posted by Danielle Clark on July 6th, 2005 • 142 Views
My Groups
Mid-West Peeps
Dance Fever 101
Reppin the AUC
Dirty South HBCU
Guestbook Comments
LOT 14 we be performing at Spelman College on February 11. 3 Virginians & 1 New Yorker, all NSU, all HBCU students, all musicologists. check out our sound:
Tagged by LOT14 newERAnewSOUNDnewSCHOOL on 02/09/2006  
Hey Danielle! Thanks for hittin up my G-book. can't wait to see u on the 13th! wat dorm are u in?
Tagged by Shana Pinnock on 07/29/2005  
the club thing sounds good i always willing, but i'm in HHR
Tagged by Ashley Pruitt on 07/19/2005  
hey Miss Clark just wanted to show u some love...i love to dance and hit up a good club as well , can't wait to meet you
Tagged by Ashley Pruitt on 07/19/2005  
Tagged by Iyana Davis on 07/16/2005  
hey spelmanite! just showin some love ;) get at me k?? ~1~
Tagged by Renise Alexander on 07/16/2005  
hey i guess will be seeing u soon. enjoy the rest of ur summer and keep in touch
Tagged by Reena Mahabir on 07/14/2005  
Hey, you dropped by my page and showed me some love. I'm returning the favor. Oh, you asked what dorm I'm in.....Manley.
Tagged by Taquita Hills on 07/14/2005  
Tagged by Ashley Burton on 07/13/2005  
just saying hey...we both in LLC1 so...hope to see you in the fall
Tagged by Shiseida Aponte on 07/12/2005  
Hey girl wassup just wanting to say hi to a fellow Spelmanite. TTYL and be sure to keep in touch!
Tagged by Adrienne S on 07/07/2005  
Mo was tellin me about you too...are you drivin down...I gotta give you my cell number so we can hook up when we're movin in!
Tagged by Kristel Travis on 07/05/2005  
Hey Danielle! I was just returning some of tha love that u sent me. I'll be livin it up in HH on tha 3rd floor! Well... N-E-Wayz... I hope u have a good summer and I'll see ya in tha AUC next year!
Tagged by Jerrica Roy on 07/03/2005  
Hey Danielle don't know if you remember me...met you at Spelbound. You know where your stayin yet?
Tagged by Kristel Travis on 06/28/2005  
Hey Danielle, Thanks you the Input. I see they you are going to Spel-bound, I will see you there. Bye!
Tagged by Makiva Renee' Van Buren on 04/02/2005  
Hey, I'm thinking u posted to my here's the deal. If you are a dancer u should call the school or look on their website for more info. Just hit me back if u want more info.
Tagged by Shelia Bowers on 03/31/2005  
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