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Q&A With Jasmine N/A

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Jasmine N/A
Location: Philadelphia, PA United States
Birthday: Oct 21st
Joined: Apr 13th, 2005
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
I'm from Philly!!!! Born and Raised :) Wanna know more..... hit me up with AIM. My screen name is Mz Jaboogi
Education   (request update)
Howard University class of 2005
Undergrad Major: Criminal Justice
Claim To Fame:
My claim to fame after college is to known as the "Female Mirror Image of Johnny Cochran". I admire his communication and people abilities. I have had a passion for law since I was younger. I like to be fair. I am a person who will step up to the plate and make sure fair is fair and all is well. Overall, I have strong leadership abilities. I also want to be famous on the fact that I became my city's District Attorney and put the juvenile death toll to a record low. These important events will be my claim to fame.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most rememberable event is when Ex-Philaldelphia Mayor, W. Wilson Goode, Sr visted my home church, the 19th Street Baptist Church. Mr. Goode and I sat down and had an intelligent conversation about the violence committed by juveniles. This conversation lasted for hours. It made me feel even more interested in law because I had someone who agrees with me 110% that the juvenile need to stay juveniles and stop trying to grown up so fast.
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