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Q&A With LaSadra Nelson

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LaSadra Nelson
Location: OCALA, FL United States
Birthday: Aug 1st
Joined: Aug 15th, 2005
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
Currently, I reside in Tallahassee, FL where I am attending Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University.
Education   (request update)
Florida A&M University class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Nursing
Claim To Fame:
After receiving my BS in nursing I plan on furthuring my education by obtaining an BS in human relations. With this degree I plan to become a sex educator and travel the world. I then plan on having my own sex education show, similar but better than "Talk sex with Sue." I then plan to become the author of a series of books relating to my field of work.
Most Memorable Moment:
Diamond in the rough is an understatement when it comes to attempting to describe the most memoriable person I've encountered so far in my college career. She was 82 and invincible. She lived an unfortnate life yet at the age of 82 she decided to go back to school and get her AA. Although she was much older than the rest of the students this did not affect her grades. I was blessed to have her in 2 of my classes, and in these two classes she earned the highest grades. This was not only an amazing experience, but and inspiration for me to do better for myself and my posterity.
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Guestbook Comments
Hi Sis, hope to find all is well for You. I want to wish You the best in All Your Hopes, Dreams, Goals and Endeavors. Honor to be the 1st to sign Your GBook. Blessings, Sincerely Rattla Alum
Tagged by WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 01/26/2006  
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