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Q&A With Kimberly Montgomery

(interview me)
Kimberly Montgomery
Location: Metcalfe, MS United States
Birthday: Sep 26th
Joined: Dec 1st, 2005
About   (request update)
In a nutshell, I am a work in progress -- in every sense of the statement. I'm intelligent and goofy, and I like to try new things. My favorite thing to do is laugh. I also like to hang out with friends and family, sing, travel, and shop.
My Interview Question
If shipwrecked on a deserted island, what three people/possessions would you like to have with you?
Current Whereabouts:
I'm currently at home right now making plans for grad school in the fall.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
I would like to build a successful career with the federal government, preferably the IRS, and build a successful empire of my own, to include a restaurant, scholarship programs, and a children's clothing line. I hope to marry one day and start a family.
Education   (request update)
Rust College class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Business Administration
Claim To Fame:
l'm making plans to attend the University of Alabama in Huntsville to work on my MBA. I hope to land a job with the federal government. Eventually, I plan to build my own successful company, start a children's clothing line, and open a restaurant.
Most Memorable Moment:
The 1st Greek step show freshman year, E.L. Fire freshman year, Junior & Senior Year, Graduation
High School: Norma C. O in Greenville, MS class of 2004
Activities & Accomplishments:
Salutatorian, National Beta Club, Sr. Class Vice President
Best Memories:
I have fond memories of all four years.
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